
Operate and Manage a Cloud Server Scan QR to continue learning QR codes are valid for 30 minutes

Tip: This course is associated with Operate and Manage a Cloud Server. You must purchase the certification package before you are able to complete all lessons for a certificate.
Course Intro

Aim to help you to understand the advantage of a cloud server. You will also learn the skills including how to purchase a cloud server on Alibaba Cloud, manage the server on console, backup/restore important data and ensure your system can adjust elastically according to business needs.

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Course Goals
  • Understand the advantage of a cloud server
  • Learn the main concepts of ECS and how to provisioning your own ECS instance on Alibaba Cloud Platform
  • Learn how to manage the ECS instance including password management, lifecycle management and scale up the CPU resource & storage.
  • Learn how to operate the ECS instance for two common operational scenarios.
Intended Audience
  • Cloud Beginners, Technical Operators that are interested in Alibaba Cloud ECS


Solution Architect