Join us on a journey to learn about Web 3.0

1) Click on the "Learn Now" button below and start your learning journey with us.
2) Complete the mandatory tasks and opt for any other recommended courses.
3) Refresh the main page and you should see that "Task 2" is completed.

Bonus Rewards Await

Validate your understanding based on this quiz. Pass the quiz to apply for a 1-year free Academy
Membership, which can help you better explore the learning recourses on the Academy website.

Recommended Lab

In this lab, you will be able to carry out the activity shown in the demonstration video and experience it on your own.


1. Do I need to complete all the courses?

Task 2 only needs to complete the required courses, which are marked as [task] in the course playlist. However, you are welcome to learn more courses and take the quiz above to verify your understanding of web 3.0.

2. Why can't I play the course on my mobile phone?

Due to system problems, the phone may not be able to turn on the video normally. Please use the PC terminal for course study.

3. How many times can I take the above quiz?

You have a maximum of 5 opportunities. Pass the quiz to apply for a 1-year free Academy Membership, which can help you unlimited access to 400+ online courses.

4. If I want to try the lab, do I need to create an account on

Yes, a account is required to start the lab.