
Alibaba's Best Practices in Digitalizing Rural Areas in China

Alibaba's Best Practices in Digitalizing Rural Areas in China Scan QR to continue learning QR codes are valid for 30 minutes



5995122593590087 Course progress:8/8   2024-09-01
Great Course
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5063896840813595 Course progress:8/8   2023-10-13
Wow!this is so helpful and eye opening. This is definitely what my country needs, we have moved to t...
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5333495927050375 Course progress:8/8   2023-09-29
I have added more on top of what I have already learnt from Alibaba, what is left for me to do is im...
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5655195720052062 Course progress:8/8   2023-09-27
Great Course. Thanks to AGI for offering this practical course featuring Alibaba best practices in d...
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