For the security measures of the host on the cloud, we need to consider more factors, such as the configuration of the firewall inside the host, as well as various settings related to operating system user management and privilege management. Only by understanding and correctly configuring the security settings inside these hosts you can better cooperate with various cloud security products. This course is designed to help you better understand these security setup and learn how to properly configure them to maximize the security hardening of hosts on the cloud.
Recommended For
Cloud Host Security Administrator, Cloud host Operation and Maintenance Personnel, Network Security Administrator
How to get Certified
Exam Overview
Certification:Apsara Clouder - Cloud Security: Cloud Servers Security Strengthening
Exam Type:Online
Available Languages:English
Exam Duration:30 Minutes
No. of Exam Attempts:2 Times
Cloud Servers Security Strengthening
Learn about the basic principles of firewalls and the security hardening measures for Linux and Windows servers through this course.
What is a firewall
Introduction to Linux Iptables firewall
Introduction to Windows firewall
How to do Linux host security hardening
How to do Windows host security hardening