This course explains the basic knowledge of MaxCompute SQL, including the operators, type transformation, the DDL (table, life cycle, view, partition, column), the Select operation (join, union all, have, etc.), Insert(insert overwrite/into, multi insert, dynamic partition) operations. We will also learn SQL built-in functions,and how to write common functions (such as: Max, Count, Sum, DateAdd, Order by, etc.)
Recommended For
System architect, Database engineer
How to get Certified
Exam Overview
Certification:Apsara Clouder - Big Data: Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute-SQL Development
Exam Type:Online
Available Languages:English
Exam Duration:30 Minutes
No. of Exam Attempts:2 Times
Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute-SQL Development
Introduce SQL knowledge of MaxCompute and SQL application.
- SQL basic knowledge
- Data Definition Language(DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language(DML)
- Built-in Function(Part 1)
- Built-in Function(Part 2)
- Built-in Function(Part 3)