This course is the first class of the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Algorithm QuickStart series, It mainly introduces the basic concept and algorithm principle of linear regression model, as well as the model evaluation metrics, explains and demonstrates a complete process of building linear regression analysis and prediction model in PAI, prepare for the knowledge associate with subsequent machine learning courses.
Recommended For
Data mining engineer, Data analyst, Developer
How to get Certified
Exam Overview
Certification:Apsara Clouder - Big Data: Machine Learning for Beginners - Linear Regression
Exam Type:Online
Available Languages:English
Exam Duration:30 Minutes
No. of Exam Attempts:2 Times
Machine Learning for Beginners - Linear Regression
How to use Alibaba Cloud advanced machine learning platform for AI (PAI) to quickly apply the linear regression model in machine learning to properly solve business-related prediction problems.
Course objective
Understand basic concept on Linear Regression Model
Understand the Least square method
Understand Evaluation Metrics toword Linear regression Model
Hands-on: Build Linear Regression model with PAI